Best Protein that Actually Tastes GOOD!

Hey everyone, I'm sure if you've been around and tried to meet your protein needs with protein powder you have had some terrible tasting sludge. Either it doesn't mix well, it tastes like chalk, or it makes you want to puke. We've all been there, so i wanted to make a list of my top 3 protein powders!



    This is by far the best tasting protein i have ever used! It is not as macro friendly at 200 calories with only 22 grams of protein, but if you are going for taste it cannot be beat! So if you are bulking or need a break from your bland protein give it a try.

    This would be my go to protein if you are tight on calories, with both more protein content and fewer calories with 24 grams and 120 calories it is for sure more macro friendly. Obviously this list is about taste though and it holds it own for a close second.

    For my third pick I am going with a plain chocolate protein. This was one of the first protein powders I ever used, so it may have some bias in this pick. But this powder mixes well and turns out rather creamy, for sure not a chalky taste so it gets my 3rd spot to finish the list.



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      1 comment

      • I agree with you! The Syntha 6 is so smooth and mixes well!

        • Abbie